Monday, July 23, 2012

True blood.

The best serial after vampire diaries and lost! I'm in Erik Northman team.

Monday, July 16, 2012

House of night.

It's amazing book! Vampire, love, dark, light, adventure,lye, truth...
So many interesting things in one book! I read it and think it's fantastic.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Aprilynn Pike

I think she's the best writer. I read all her books. She's my favorit author. Thank you, Aprilynn.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Царство ночи

Л.Дж.Смит объявила, что продолжение серии "царство ночи" выйдет осенью 2013. Книга будет называться "странная судьба".
Писательница держит в тайне даже примерное содержание книги, но я могу с уверенностью сказать, что будет родство душ (истинная любовь), трудности и хэппи энд.
Но мне бы очень хотелось узнать ваше мнение по поводу предстоящей книги.


После прочтения Голодных Игр, я просто не знала, что делать дальше.
Пока не наткнулась на "дивергент" Вероники Рот. Я ждала, пока Эксмо издаст книгу, но узнала, что это произойдет только в 2013.
Поэтому прочитав электронную, я влюбилась.
Захватывающе и про любовь. Ну, что еще нужно?


Когда я читала первую книгу Эприлинн Пайк, то не могла оторваться. Я прочитала ее за три часа.
Но первая книга не сравниться со второй.
В ней передано все. Я чувствовала каждый запах, излом света, поцелуй, описанный в книге. Никогда бы не подумала, что кто-то может так писать. Стефани Майер и Толкин не сравнятся.

Mirror, mirror...

What can I say about SnowWhite? Only that she must be with the Hunter!
Are you agree with me?

Saturday, June 30, 2012


It's thing which never stops. Sometimes it runs sometimes goes slowly. Do you understand me?
I read interesting book and time runs,
I do my homework and time goes soooo slowly. It is so hard.
"dark becomes her" Kelly Keaton.
When I read this book I know that it's early morning. I think that read one hour and close this book but it's night!
It's not just interesting book. It's best of books that I have been reading in my life!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Once upon a time...

Do you remember the fairy tales about charming prince, sleeping beauty, Pinocchio? Our childhood. Dreams.
I saw the old book with fairy tale. I read this book and understand that fairy tale help us in real life, it give us a dream.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Childhood is time when we believe fairy tale. Try to believe now!
Believe books, films, poems, stories, fairy tale. Believe and life will be more interesting.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Lauren Kate wrote "fallen" and "walt Disney" will make the film.
Book about love like Romeo and Juliet, adventure, magic, fallen angel etc.
I love this book.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Loren Oliver wrote "Delirium" after "Before I fall" but I think this book is more interesting. She wrote three books, "pandemonium" is second. I can't wait any more! The third book "requiem" will be only in 2013! Read this book and you'll love it.


Everyone who try to fly once, want to be like bird.
We can read Aprilinne Pike "wings".
This book will take us in dreams.
Try to believe in your dreams and you'll fly.


Sea it's secret. All secrets wants to be in the sea. "the last day of the Titanic" it is book about sea's secret, hope, luck, Everybody should read this book.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Good night!

I'm going to sleep. Read my favorite book about fairy. Believe that I'll see the prince in my dream.
So, I don't want to sleep rite now.
Good night, big world.
Sweet dreams.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Everyone dream about Paris. I believe that one day I'll read Pride and Prejudice with my love on the set of Efile Tower. And what about your dreams?

Red sunset

Im so tired! Today I wrote my new book. Red sunset. 
this book is about ordinary girl (princess of Third world in fact) who saw one day the boy(fairy) and his best friend, etc. So, love, adventure and magic. Do you need something more? if you want to read my book just text me.

Aprilynne Pike and her secrets. Why STEPHENIE MEYER SO DESPERATELY PROMOTED The PUBLICATION Of WINGS? influential support, or simple luck? Let's read this book and find the answers.
Richelle Mead, Storm Born. Adventure, love, revenge... So interesting. Read and tell me, do you like this book?
What can I say about summer night? Fairy, love, summer vs winter etc. new book called iron king have all of this. Read and don't sleep in this magic night!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Real life

Sometimes when we're reading books, we can't see real world. But books should help us in this world! Remember it.
Look in the window. What don you see? Yes, you see summer. The best time to love...and stories. Try to make happy end in your! XOXO.